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鱼尾的英文翻译 鱼尾英文怎幺说 鱼尾的英文例句



[yú wěi]



    adj.鱼尾状的 vi.摇摆尾翼而减缓飞行速度


她微笑的时候,眼角处便会出现一摊鱼尾纹。She had a maze of crow's feet when she smiled.我已经有鱼尾纹了,而且我额头的皱纹使我看起来好像永远都在沉思似的。I've got crow's-feet and my frown lines make me look like I'm permanently studying.希拉蕊•斯万科的鱼尾裙显得很合时宜。Hilary swanks's structured fishtail gown hit the right note.需要时,应将临时鱼尾板安装于绝缘接头位置。Provisional fish"-plates shall be fitted at insulated joint locations if needed.鱼尾板图纸请参照:For an illustration of fishplate please refer to:这件镶亮片的鱼尾裙非常出色。This sequined fishtail skirt is gorgeous.这种润肤霜有助于除去眼角的鱼尾纹。This moisturising cream will help to smooth away crow's feet.我在煮之前先切掉鱼尾。I cut the tail off before I cook the fish.


二级鱼尾螺栓 second class fish-plated bolt

二级鱼尾螺母 second class fish-plated nut

带裙鱼尾板 aproned fish plate,fish plate with apron

平鱼尾板 flat fishplate

角形鱼尾板 angle fishplate

长方形鱼尾板 flat joint bar

鱼尾喷灯 fish-tail burner

鱼尾式摆动 fishtailing

鱼尾板 fish plate

鱼尾板型钢 angle splice bar

鱼尾板接合 fiah joinr

鱼尾板螺栓 fish bolr

鱼尾板轧机 fish plate mill

鱼尾板边接 fished joint

鱼尾纹 fishtail lines

鱼尾螺栓 fish bolt

鱼尾裙 fishtail skirt

鱼尾铣刀 fishtail cutter

黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩 black mild steel fish bolt and nut

鼻中隔鱼尾凿 V-shaped nasal gouge

