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    sound of child's crying

sound [saund]

    n.声音,语音,噪音,吵闹,海峡,听力範围,探条 adj.健全的,可靠的,合理的,有效彻底的,健康的 adv.彻底地,充分地 vi.发出声音,迴响,测深,听起来 vt.使发声,宣告,听诊,测...深,试探

child [tʃaild]


crying [kraiiŋ]



哇啊!他真帅。我们免费多奉送一个米糕给他。Wow he is real good-looking. Let's give him an extra rice cake for free.哇啊!他真帅我们免费多奉送一个米糕给他"Wow he is real good-looking. Let's give him an extra rice cake for free."哇的一声,夜游的恶鸟飞过了。With a shriek a fierce night-bird passes.哇噢,看起来很严重。Wow it seems serious.哇噢,你看起来美极了Wow you look amazing.哇噢,你怎幺了?Wow! What happened to you?哇噢,朋友!呃,什幺啊?Whoa pardner! Uh what was that?哇噢,人还真够多的Wow this is pretty crowded.哇噢,真够长的。Wow it's really iong.哇哦,你要去哪?Whoa where you going?哇哦,我猜你不会来的,因为太多美好的东西到你的生活里Well I guess you can't be around that much niceness and not get any on you.哇哦。她已经是上市公司的总裁了Wow.and she's already the c.e.o.of a public company.先把一个罐里的乳酪化掉,然后再把麵包片浸在里面。哇,听着口水都要流出来了。Nancy: you melt cheese in a pot and then dunk small pieces of bread in the cheese.在她身后的房间里,一道闪电把窗子照得好象一条正在舞动的白床单,婴儿开始哇哇大哭。Behind her in the room lightning lit the window like a white sheet waving and the baby cried.


可好哇 big deal

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爪哇红蓝条子布 Java stripes

