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鱼塘的英文翻译 鱼塘英文怎幺说 鱼塘的英文例句



[yú táng]

    pound;stew;preserve;pond;fish pond;piscina

pound [paund]

    n.磅,英镑,重击,鱼塘,兽栏,拘留所 vt.强烈打击,捣烂,监禁,关入栏 vi.连续重击,连续敲打,苦干

stew [stju:; (-) stu:]

    v.炖,焖,受闷热 n.炖肉(或菜),闷热,拥挤,鱼塘,人工养蚝场

preserve [pri'zә:v]

    vt.保护,保持,保存,保藏 vi.做蜜饯,禁猎 n.蜜饯,果酱,禁猎地,禁区,防护物

pond [pɔnd]

    n.池塘 v.筑成池塘

fish [fiʃ]

    n.鱼,鱼肉,鱼类,接合板 vt.钓,钓鱼,查出,用接合板连接 vi.捕鱼,钓鱼,用钩捞取,间接探听,拉摸索寻找


那有一所鸽房,几个波光粼粼的鱼塘。There is a dovecote some delightful stewponds.鸟瞰新界西北部的鱼塘。Aerial view of fish ponds in the northwest new territories.提高米埔和鱼塘的生态价值;Enhance the ecological value of mai po and fish pond;位于锦田的鱼塘,有过量海藻产生问题。The fish pond in kam tin with excessive algae problems.新界西北部的鱼塘受水浸影响。Fish pond flooding in the northwest new territories.鱼塘:6560-17924;其它农地:3312;Fish pond: 6560-17924; other farmland: 3312;鱼塘监测包括水产养殖生态环境指标监测及防盗监测。Pound monitoring includes the parameter of entironment monitoring and guarding against theft.支持米埔展开可持续发展的淡水鱼塘社区;Support the sustainable development of pond fish farming community around mai po;饲养员正在往鱼塘里撒喂大量鱼食。The stockman is spreading a great quantity of fish food into the fish pond.一片养鱼的水是鱼塘。A tract of water for raising fish is a fish farm.


钓鱼塘 fishing pond

鱼塘 fish pond

鱼塘经营承包合同 contract for business operation of fish ponds

