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预扣的英文翻译 预扣英文怎幺说 预扣的英文例句



[yù kòu]

    to withhold

withhold [wið'hәuld]

    vt.使停止,拒给,保留,抑制 vi.忍住


预扣赋税是从国外公司的收入中扣除的、对支付贷款的利息所课征的一种税收。A withholding tax is withheld from a foreign corporation and levied on interest paid on loans.财务会计还处理国民保险、预扣所得税、增值税以及信贷管制业务。It also deals with national insurance and credit control.股息预扣税由当地政府徵收。Dividend withholding tax is charged by the respective local government.


付工资时预扣所得税法 pay-as-you-earn

应付预扣职工所得税 employee withholding payable

强制预扣 compulsory checkoff

所得税从源预扣法 pay-as-you-earn

所得税从源预扣法,所得税预扣法 pay-as-you-earn PAYE) tax

所得税预扣 withholding of income tax

所得税预扣法 pay as you earn; payasyouearn

自愿预扣 voluntary checkoff

预扣 withhold; checkoff

预扣利息 making interest deductions in advance

预扣利息放款 income less lending; incomelesslending

预扣所得税 deduction at source

预扣所得税申报表 withholding income tax return

预扣所得税表 income tax withholding table

预扣税 witholding tax

预扣税款 withholding tax

预扣税率 withholding tax rate

预扣职工所得税 employee withholdings

预扣赋税,预扣税 withholding tax

