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雨果的英文翻译 雨果英文怎幺说 雨果的英文例句



[yǔ guǒ]

    Hugo (name)
    Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer

Hugo ['hjugo]

    雨果;Victor Marie Hugo 雨果;雨果奖

name [neim]

    n.名字,名称,姓名,名誉 vt.命名,提名,叫出,指定 adj.姓名的,据以取名的

victor [viktә(r)]

    n.胜利者 adj.胜利者的 Victor 维克托(男子名)

french [frentʃ]

    n.法国人,法语 adj.法国的,法国人的,法语的

writer [raitә(r)]



1583年4月10日,国际法之父雨果•格劳秀斯诞生。Father of international law hugo grotius was born on april10th.记得大会上的那个雨果?Remember that ass-bag hugo from the convention?卡佩王朝的由雨果•卡佩所建立的法兰西王朝的或与之相关的Of or relating to the french dynasty founded by hugh capet.你应该帮你的朋友雨果改正You should straighten out your friend hugo.维克多。雨果都办不到。Victor hugo couldn't pull it off.以维克多•雨果的风格的。In the manner of victor hugo.雨果等坚持积极浪漫主义的道路,巴尔扎克等转向批判现实主义。Hugo kept the positive romantic w ay while balzac and some other writers turned to critical realism.雨果在画一辆手推车。Hugo is pulling a cart.雨果早上总是很烦躁。Hugo's always ratty in the mornings.真正讨厌他的,除了康第和雨果而外就没有别人了。None but canty and hugo really disliked him.阿尔弗雷德。德。缪塞,维克多。雨果,拿破仑。Alfred de musset victor hugo napoleon.雨果刻画了玛丽翁•德•萝尔姆;缪塞创作了贝尔娜雷特;Hugo wrote marion delorme musset wrote bernerette alexandre dumas wrote fernande.

