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样样的英文翻译 样样英文怎幺说 样样的英文例句



[yàng yàng]

    all kinds

all [ɔ:l]

    adj.全部的,所有的,整个的 adv.完全,更加,越发 pron.全部

kinds [kaindz]



“我们一样样来。We'll get to everything.乔治准会把样样事情弄得一团糟。You can rely on george to make a balls-up of everything.他是个体育全才,网球、篮球、游泳,样样都好。He's a good all-rounder who likes tennis basketball and swimming.他是镇上样样具备的年轻人,远非同辈可比。He was by long odds the most eligible young man in town.我们反对样样照抄外国的。We oppose copying everything foreign.我们可以投理查生的票,或者更糟,投那个样样事都插一手的当地要人。We could vote.for richardson or even worse for the local bigwig who was a member of everything!我们所作的,就是培养你们成为“十八般武艺样样会使”的多面手。We give you as much exposure as we can to make you a generalist in the near future.样样事都完美无缺。她如在乐园。Everything was perfect.she was in elysium.你玩滑雪板、机车样样都行You are amazing on snowboard motorbike everything.他是一个以为自己样样都懂的人。Smart aleck he is a smart aleck.这里的事情她样样都要插手。She was nosing into everything around here.


一次抽样样品 single sample

手工打样样张 hand proof

样样都抓 spread herself thin; spread himself thin; spread myself thin; spread ourselves thin; spread themselves thin; spread yourself thin

样样都晓得 know what o''clock it is

系统抽样样品 systematic sample

花样样品 design sample; pattern

重複抽样样品 replicate sample

