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样条的英文翻译 样条英文怎幺说 样条的英文例句



[yàng tiáo]


transect [træn'sekt]

    v.横断,横切 n.横断面

spline [splain]

    n.方栓,齿条,止转楔,花键 vt.用花键联接,开键槽


留意海浪的大小。记下样条的方向。Note the wave action.record direction of the transect.研究物件是所有树冠垂直投影能与样条重叠的树木。Mangroves which touch overlie or underlie the transect line are all included in your study.影响测试水分析的主要因素是取样条件。The main factor that influences the water analysis is the sampling condition.在样条伸展入海的位置取海水样本。Collect water sample from the site where transect line runs into the sea.最后,b样条,之前曾经提到过,是由分段(很多基础曲线片断组成)参数化表示的多项式曲线组成。B-splines are piecewise polynomial curves that have a parametric representation.


三次样条 cubic spline

以同样条件 on the same term

剖面样条 bisect, layer transect

单项样条 monospline

同样条件 uniform conditions

圆弧样条 cicular spline

在同样条件下 under like conditions

多样条法 multiple stripe method

按同样条件报盘 offer on same terms and conditions

样条 spline

样条元 spline element

样条内插 spline interpolation

样条函数 spline function

样条函数演算法 splining algorithm

样条函数计算 evaluation of spline function

样条回归 spline regression

样条拟合 spline fitting

样条插值 spline interpolation

样条曲线 spline curve

样条曲面 spline surface

样条逼近 spline approximation

船体外板展开样条 shell plate developer

血管样条纹症 angioid streaks

非均匀有理 B 样条 non-uniform rational B-spline, NURBS

