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烟熏的英文翻译 烟熏英文怎幺说 烟熏的英文例句



[yān xūn]

    to fumigate

smoke [smәuk]

    n.烟,烟尘,烟幕 v.抽烟,吸烟 vi.冒烟

fumigate [fju:migeit]



在烟熏室中薰制而成的火腿Hams curing in the smokehouse.不如往这流氓的洞里放烟熏他出来吧?What do you say we smoke the varmint out of his hole?查理斯环视被烟熏黑的墙壁和虫蛀的楼梯。Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls the worm-eaten staircase.香气複杂迷人,果香、咖啡、烟草及烟熏香和谐交融。Intense nose complex and attractive with touches of fruit coffee tobacco and smokiness.烟熏的略带红色的干鲱鱼。A dried and smoked herring having a reddish color.烟熏可保持食物不腐烂。Smoking preserves food from decay.要偷就偷烟熏香肠Mortadella is the best thing to steal.用于烟熏腌猪肉的步骤同样适用于牛肉。The same smokehouse procedures used for curing pork work well for beef.


油浸烟熏海鳗鱼 smoked marine eel in peanut oil

油浸烟熏蚝 smoked oyster in peanut oil

油浸烟熏青鳞鱼 Chinese blue herring in oil,smoked

油浸烟熏鱼片 smoked fish fillet in oil smoked fish fillet in peanut oil

油浸烟熏鲮鱼 smoked dace in oil

油浸烟熏鳗鱼 smoked eel in oil

油浸烟熏黄鱼 smoked yellow croaker in peanut oil

烟熏 fumigate

烟熏■鱼 gizzard shad,smoked

烟熏保藏 smoke-dried preservation

烟熏火 smoke fire

烟熏纸 smoked paper

烟熏蚝 smoked oyster

烟熏褪色防止剂 anti-gasfading agent

烟熏过的 smoked

烟熏鲱鱼 smoked herring

烟熏鲳鱼 smoked pomfret

用烟熏 reek

