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咽喉的英文翻译 咽喉英文怎幺说 咽喉的英文例句



[yān hóu]


throat [θrәut]

    n.咽喉,喉咙,嗓音,窄路,口子 vt.用喉音说,开沟于


由乔的中耳通往他的咽喉的耳咽管是肇事者。The eustachian tube leading from the middle ear to joe's throat is the culprit.这种药膏能减轻发炎的鼻子和咽喉的病情。The ointment soothes the inflamed nose and throat.治疗炎症,支气管哮喘,咽喉炎,感冒。Bee mucus can be used to cure various inflammations bronchus asthma pharyngitis and cold.虎眼石:有助于治疗创伤,擦伤,视力和咽喉的疾病。用于第五个穴位。Tiger's eye: helps heal wounds bruises eyes and throat.5th chakra.几个星期前我得了链球菌咽喉炎I had strep throat a couple weeks ago.您嗓子的不舒服可能是由于咽喉神经官能症引起的。All the trouble in your throat may be due to a pharyngeal neurasthenia.脓毒性咽喉炎;不洁的环境;腐臭的污水。A septic sore throat; a septic environment; septic sewage.清除咽喉中的粘液之类的东西。Clear the throat as of phlegm.咽喉红肿疼痛的症状。Swelling and pain in throat.咽喉喉部上方的咽的一部分The portion of the pharynx just above the larynx.咽喉切除术切除部分或全部咽的外科手术Surgical removal of part or all of the pharynx.医生:你得了咽喉炎?Doctor: have you got a sore throat?


咽喉 n. throat

咽喉信号机 signal in throat section

咽喉区长度 throat length

咽喉母圆 generant circle of gorge蜗轮咽喉面的母圆。

咽喉母圆半径 gorge rodius蜗轮咽喉母圆的半径。

咽喉炎 pharyngolaryngitis

咽喉的 guttural

咽喉船闸 controlling lock

咽喉道岔 throat point

咽喉面 gorge蜗轮齿顶曲面上呈圆环形状的那一部分齿顶表面。

咽喉食管全切除术 total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy

壁炉咽喉 chimney throat

耳鼻咽喉科学 otolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology, ORL曾用名"耳鼻喉学"。

车站咽喉 station throat

车站咽喉通过能力 carrying capacity of station throat

辙叉咽喉 throat of frog

