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feast [fi:st]

    n.节日,盛宴,筵席,宴会,酒席 vt.盛宴,款待,享乐,请客 vi.参加宴会,享受

repose [ri'pәuz]

    n.休息,睡眠,静止 vt.使休息,寄託于 vi.休息,长眠,静卧,建立于,座落,依靠


她打扮得像个公主一样去参加宴会,真是太夸张了。That's overkill; she dressed up like a princess for the party.她在赴宴前把自己打扮了一番。She perk herself up before go to the dinner party.为逾越节晚宴做好準备And set up preparation for the passover meal.午宴上喝的葡萄酒是roussettedesavoie,一种产自萨瓦地区的白葡萄酒。The wine roussette de savoie was a regional white.一提这次宴会,斯狄尼小姐就消释了一切顾忌。The mention of the dinner dispelled miss stepney's last scruples.在夏威夷烤猪餐宴上,你可以享受一顿可口的晚餐,包括猪肉、夏威夷芋泥饼、鱼和水果。At a hawaiian luau you can enjoy a delicious meal of pork poi fish and fruit.在一次晚宴上偶然遇到一位老友Meet with an old friend at dinner party


主持宴会 did the honors; did the honours; do the honors; do the honours; done the honors; done the honours

举行宴会 threw a party; throw a party; thrown a party

便宴服 afternoon dress

双排钮白色晚宴服 double-breasted white tuxedo

告别宴会 farewell banquet

在欢宴中度过 feast away

奢货的宴会 expensive party

宴会 dinner party

宴会全套餐具 banquet set

宴会厅 banquet hall

宴会短礼服 tuxedo

宴请 feast on

持续地欢宴 feast away

欢宴庆祝 push the boat out

正式宴会 dress dinner

盛大宴会 grand ganquet

设宴招待 give a dinner for

设宴欢迎 kill the fatted calf

