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雨季的英文翻译 雨季英文怎幺说 雨季的英文例句



[yǔ jì]

    rainy season

rainy [reini]


season [si:z(ә)n]

    n.季,季节 v.(使)适应,(使)适用,调味


我们不可避免要遭遇雨季。We are in for a rainy season.夏天是这里的雨季。Summer is the rainy season here.夏天雨季,或暴雨后。Wade in the stream after heavy rain.衣服在雨季不易干。Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season.雨季持续了6个周。The monsoon has run for6weeks.雨季到来时,大楼建设工程将减缓下来。The construction of the building will slow when the rain season sets in.雨季开始时,我们预料有闷热的天气。We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.雨季期间很多地方的道路不通。Some places are not accessible by road during the wet season.雨季水平面上升很快。The water level rises rapidly during monsoon season.雨季推迟了1个月,接着大雨倾盆而下。The monsoon held off for a month; then the rain fell in terrents.在雨季,大楼的施工速度会减慢。The construction of the building will slow down when the rain season sets in.这儿雨季什幺时候开始?When does the rainy season set in here?正当季风雨季的最后几天,热带的湿潮空气又闷又粘。It was the tail end of monsoon season and the air was heavy and sticky with tropic moisture.只在雨季有水的河床A streambed filled with water only in the rainy season.


雨季 rainy season一年中降水相对集中的季节。

雨季施工 raining season construction,rainy season construction

雨季湖 playa lake

