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羽冠的英文翻译 羽冠英文怎幺说 羽冠的英文例句



[yǔ guàn]

    feathered crest (of bird)

feathered [feðәd]


crest [krest]

    n.鸟冠,盔上的装饰(如羽毛),顶部,顶峰,浪头 vi.到达绝顶 vt.加以顶饰

bird [bә:d]

    n.鸟,人 vi.在野外观察或鑒别鸟类


浅黄色松鸦,黑白色羽冠,蓝黑色翅膀。Fawn-colored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings.生有黄色直立羽冠的白色凤头鹦鹉。White cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest.有黄色羽冠的澳大利亚灰色小鹦鹉。Small gray australian parrot with a yellow crested head.有金属般黑色羽毛、无羽冠的非洲热带鸟。Tropical african bird having metallic blackish plumage but no crest.羽冠上有栗黄色条纹的灰蓝色北美翠鸟。Grayish-blue north american kingfisher with a chestnut band on its chest.北美洲的大型斑背潜鸭,雄性的羽冠为偏绿的五彩色。Large scaup of north america having a greenish iridescence on the head of the male.东半球长肉垂和刺壮物的大型有羽冠的鸻。Large crested old world plover having wattles and spurs.美洲热带的黑色鸟,长有大的悬垂羽冠和长的有羽毛的肉垂。Black tropical american bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle.欧亚大陆南部和非洲东北部纯种白色有羽冠的琵鹭。Pure white crested spoonbill of southern eurasia and northeastern africa.有羽冠的啄木鸟现在在增加。Pileated woodpeckers are on the wax now.羽冠鸟或其它动物头上通常作装饰用的冠毛、脊状突起或类似突起物A usually ornamental tuft ridge or similar projection on the head of a bird or other animal.

