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油水的英文翻译 油水英文怎幺说 油水的英文例句





grease [gri:s]

    n.油脂,贿赂 vt.涂脂于,贿赂

profit [prɔfit]

    n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于

juice [dʒu:s]



这种油水足的美差压根儿轮不到我。The gravy train is just not for me.重力式井下油水分离确定分流比的实验研究Experimental research of split ratio determination of downhole gravitational oil-water separation.该装置具有结构简单、积小、油水处理效果好、率高等优点,特别适用于小型船用汙水处理站。It can be used specially for small-scale sewage disposal stations.还有一种什幺样的母亲节蛋糕为重油水果蛋糕,用大量过量的水果做成的水果蛋糕。Another kind of mothering cake was the simnel cake a very rich fruitcake.绅士一贫如洗,犹如布丁缺乏油水。A gentleman without living be like pudding without suet.四旬斋斋戒说这种重油水果蛋糕必须一直保留至复活节。The lenten fast dictated that the simnel cake had to keep until easter.脂肪经水解后所得的甘油水可能含百分之十到二十五的甘油Sweet water from the hydrolysis of fats may contain10to25percent of glycerol


含油水 n. oily water

奶油水果糖 cream fruit drop

捞油水 rake-off

汙油水 slop

汙油水舱 slop tank

油水分介面 oilwater demarcation face

油水分离 oil-water separation

油水分离器 oily water separator

油水分离设备 oilywater separating equipment

油水介面 oil-water contact

油水介面张力 oil-water interfacial tension

油水介面探测仪 oil water interface detector

油水介面探测器 oilwater interface detector

油水介面的活塞式推进 piston-like frontal advance of oil-water contact

油水介面的非活塞推进 non-piston-like frontal advance of oil-water contact

油水介面能 oil-water interfacial energy

油水过渡带面积 area of transitional zone from oil to water

舭油水分离器 bilge separator

船用油水分离器 marine oil-water separator

