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游手好闲的英文翻译 游手好闲英文怎幺说 游手好闲的英文例句




    idle about

idle [aid(ә)l]

    adj.空闲的,懒惰的,停顿的,无用的,无价值的 vi.不做事,游手好闲,(机器)空转,虚度,闲散,不作事,游手好闲,浪费 vt.虚度,使空闲,使空转

about [ә'baut]



他整天游手好闲,无所事事。He lay about all day instead of working.她们非常清楚任何一个过路人或游手好闲者都可能告密。They knew only too well that any passer-by any lounger might be a spy.围观正在发生的事情的游手好闲的人群。The crowd of idlers who had assembled to watch the goings-on.我最要好的朋友赢得高三的游手好闲奖。My best friend won the high school senior goof-off award.罢工期间这些机器被闲置了;游手好闲。The machinery sat idle during the strike; idle hands.懒鬼,游手好闲的人一个懒惰或得过且过的人,尤指靠别人施捨过生活的人A lazy or shiftless person especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others.贫穷是游手好闲的报应。Poverty is the reward of idleness.他看起来象个游手好闲之辈,整天泡在骯髒的下等酒吧借酒消愁。He looks like a bum who's been drowning his sorrows in sleazy dives.他只是一个无赖,应声虫,游手好闲的人。He's nothing but a yep yes-man and a yo-yo.我不愿意象个懒人一样待在家里,游手好闲地把我的青春消磨掉。I will not like a sluggard wear out my youth in idleness at home.一些从戏院出来的游手好闲的人,慌慌张张地走过。A few stragglers from the theatres hurried by.游手好闲,万恶之源。An idle soul shall suffer hunger.游手好闲会使人心智生锈。Fooling around makes people's soul rusts.


游手好闲 bum about; bum around; eat the bread of idleness; let grass grow under her feet; let grass grow under his feet; let grass grow under my feet; let grass grow under our feet; let grass grow under thier feet; let grass grow under your feet

