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油嘴的英文翻译 油嘴英文怎幺说 油嘴的英文例句



[yóu zuǐ]

    eloquent and cunning
    silver tongued

eloquent [elәkwәnt]


cunning [kʌniŋ]

    adj.狡猾的,巧妙的,漂亮的,可爱的 n.狡猾,诡诈

silver [silvә(r)]

    n.银,银子 vt.镀银

tongued [tʌŋd]



油嘴滑舌的游说(尤其是对售货员有用)。Plausible glib talk ( especially useful to a salesperson).油嘴滑舌的谈话者、推销员等A glib talker salesman etc“还用得着这油嘴滑舌的小妖精来袒护我!”"To have that mealymouthed little mess take up for me!"加油嘴将会自动关闭。The fuel nozzle will switch off automatically.使用乾净的容器或加油嘴缓缓倒入新的发动机机油。Slowly pour in new engine oil using a clean container or a fuel nozzle.他是个实足油嘴滑舌者,说服我借给他一大笔钱。He was a real smoothy who persuaded me to lend him a lot of money.泰安五洲油泵油嘴有限公司。Taian wuzhou oil pump and oil nozzle co. ltd.这个油嘴的喷孔几乎被碳化物堵死。The orifices of this nozzle are almost chocked up with carbide.


冲击块油嘴 impacting block oil nozzle

压注黄油嘴 grease filling nozzle

喷油嘴 fuel injection nozzle jet injector oil nozzle

喷油嘴偶件 injector nozzle matching parts

喷油嘴水冷却器 oil-nozzle water cooler

喷油嘴溢油管 dribble pipe

喷油嘴试验台 oil jet testing board

喷油嘴针阀 nozzle needle valve

喷油嘴针阀体 nozzle needle valve body

回油式喷油嘴喷雾器 n. spill burner atomizer

回油式喷油嘴雾化器 n. spill burner atomizer

底盘压力加油嘴 chassis pressure fitting

油嘴 flowing bean,choke

油泵油嘴厂 oil pump and glib factory

补偿油嘴 compensating nozzle

靠油嘴滑舌 snow job

黄油筒给油嘴 grease cylinder feeding nozzle

