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右下的英文翻译 右下英文怎幺说 右下的英文例句



[yòu xià]

    lower right

lower [lәuә(r)]

    adj.较低的,下级的,下等的,下游的 vi.降低,跌落,减弱 vt.放下,降下,减弱,贬低

right [rait]

    n.正义,公正,正确,权利,右边,右派 adj.正当的,正确的,对的,合适的,恰当的,健康的,健全的,正面的 adv.正当地,正确地,一直地,直接地,完全地,彻底地,在右边


我们在漫画的右下角看到了这一迹象,We see a reminder of this in the lower right hand corner.影印的日期将出现在照片右下角。Date imprinting appears on the lower right hand corner of the photograph.游戏点画面右下角的speel按纽开始,用方向键移动控制。Game point lower right corner of the screen speel button the key used to control movement.背部右下方有侧边刺伤Penetrating side wound to right part of iower back.病人在右下颌的大臼齿,有一放射透过性的病变。The patient has a radiolucent lesion below the molar teeth in the right mandible.步骤四:每一帧的右下角,可以点击选择这一帧停留时间,还可以自订。Fourth step: point the right corner by mouse then choose the stop time in this frame.有一道红色的条纹从左上方斜穿到右下方的黄旗。A yellow flag with a red band going crosswise from top left to bottom right


右下肺静脉 right inferior pulmonary vein

图幅右下角 bottom right-hand corner; lower right-hand corner

