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油量的英文翻译 油量英文怎幺说 油量的英文例句



[yóu liàng]

    oil mass;pump output

oil [ɔil]

    n.油,石油,油类 vt.给(机器等)加油,上油,涂油

mass [mæs]

    n.块,大多数,品质,群众,大量 adj.群众的,大规模的,集中的 vt.使集合 vi.聚集

pump [pʌmp]

    n.泵,抽水机 vt.(用泵)抽(水),抽吸

output [autput]



我还没有想到这一点-最好耗油量小一些。Didn't think of that.-Just not a gas guzzler.以近似百分比表示的经过四捨五入的机油量分配Distribution of oil quantity rounded off in approx.%摘要高油玉米籽粒的含油量高达7%~10%,作为一种新的油料作物,具有广阔的应用前景。As a now oil crop the high oil corn has an expansive application prospect.当时,燃料相当便宜又随处可得,因此耗油量庞大的发电机也不是很大的问题。Fuel was cheap and widely available so a gas-hungry power plant was no real problem.吸着的油量;钯中夹杂的大量的氢。The sorbed oil mass; large volumes of occluded hydrogen in palladium.主要致力于减少润滑油耗油量,沉积物,进行烟灰控制和活塞环磨损保护。Concentrated on oil consumption deposit and soot dispersion control plus ring wear protection.


出油量 oil pump capacity

含油量 oil content

平均每头猪产油量 lard yield per hog

日产油量 daily oil production

油量指示器 oil gauge indicator

油量热计 oil calorimeter

油量瞬间排放率 instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content

油量表 n. oil gage

油量计 oleometer

生油量 oil-generating quantity

石蜡含油量 oil content in paraffin wax

累积产油量 cumulative oil production

累计自然採油量 cumulative physical recovery

累计採油量 cumulative recovery

耗油量 fuel consumption

装油量 innage

附带油量计加油机 oil adding machine with attached oil meter

静液压式汽油量表 hydrostatic gasoline gauge

