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诱导的英文翻译 诱导英文怎幺说 诱导的英文例句



[yòu dǎo]

    to guide
    to lead
    to induce

guide [gaid]

    n.领路人,导游者,嚮导,引导者,指南 vt.指导,支配,管理,带领,操纵 vi.任嚮导

lead [li:d]

    vt.领导,引导,致使 vi.领导,(道路等)通向,导致,用水砣测深 n.领导,领先,导线,铅,(自船上测海水深度的)铅陲,石墨,铅笔芯


亚致死温度是低温诱导多倍体的合适温度。Sublethal temperature might be suitable for polyploid inducement of cold shocks.在这些患者中,类固醇诱导肌病有更高的发病率。In these patients steroid-induced myopathy may lead to additional morbidity.


上诱导模 coinduced module

不对称诱导 asymmetric induction

串联诱导叶轮 tandem bladed inducer

光化学诱导 photochemical induction

光学诱导 optical induction

光诱导 photoinduction

内心诱导 internal incentive

前诱导 pre-induction

化学诱导动态核极化 chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization, CIDNP

协诱导物 coinducer

可诱导噬菌体 inducible phage

合子诱导 zygotic induction

员工激发需要,员工诱导需要 employee needs for motivation

工资诱导型通货膨胀 wage-induced inflation

成花诱导 floral induction

手性诱导 chiral induction

投资诱导论 theory of inducement to invest

日曆诱导变动 calendar induced variations

根尖诱导形成术 apexification

汽油诱导期测定仪 oxidation bomb for stability test of gasoline

镭射诱导萤光 laser induced fluorescence, LIF

镭射诱导预离解 laser induced predissociation

病毒诱导 virus induction

相互诱导 reciprocal induction

碰撞诱导解离 collision induced dissociation

粒子诱导质谱法 particle induced mass spectrometry

细胞接触诱导 cell contact guidance

胚胎诱导 embryonic induction

色诱导 color induction

被诱导的投资 induced investment

