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邮递的英文翻译 邮递英文怎幺说 邮递的英文例句



[yóu dì]

    to send by mail
    to post

send [send]


mail [meil]

    n.邮件,邮政,盔甲 vt.邮寄,给...穿盔甲

post [pәust]

    n.柱,邮件,岗位,职位,邮政;vt.张贴,揭示,邮递,布置;vi.快速旅行;adv.加速地;Passive Optical Seeker Technique,被动光学自导的导弹技术;Power-on self test,加电自检


可以通过邮局的邮递员将货物送到您家里。Delivery directly to your door by your local postal person.你要按一等邮递还是包裹邮递寄?Do you want to send first class or parcel post?他通过邮递员发出订单。He sent the order by messenger.听声音像是邮递员。That sounds like the postman.我们的老邮递员真是个怪人。Our old postman is a real character.信是由邮递员。The letter is posted by postman.邮递人员听到鸭子的叫声并在得到允许后开箱给这些小鸭子喂一些水和实物。Someone sent eight yellow ducklings by priority mail to a woman in san diego.邮递员把信件装入邮袋中。The postman pouched the letters.邮递员什幺时候来?When does the postman come?


依邮递区号研究市场运销法 zip code marketing

免费邮递 free delivery; frank

农村地区免费邮递 rural free delivery

农村邮递代办合同 contract for procurement of postal delivery in rural areas

包裹邮递 parcel post

慢速邮递 slow mail, snail mail对传统邮政服务的一种称呼。

由下一班回程邮递带回 by return of post

由原班回程邮递带回 by return

电子邮递业务 electronic mail service

电子邮递灶押务 electronic mail service

航空汇款,航空信汇,航空邮递,航空邮汇 air-mail transfer AMT)

邮递区号 ZIP code

邮递员 post man

邮递报表 postal report; report by post

邮递服务 green label service

邮递物品 postal articles

邮递电报 mailgram

邮递融资 mail credit

邮递费 mail carrying charges

邮递费用 mailing cost; postage

邮递部门 mail section

铁路邮递信件 railway letter

销货员邮递 salesmen mail; salesmenmail

