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有变的英文翻译 有变英文怎幺说 有变的英文例句



[yǒu biàn]

    Something has changed.

something [sʌmθiŋ]

    pron.某事,某物 adj.有点象,大约


    vbl.have 的第三人称单数现在式


请各位经理确认发放资料的种类和数量,如有变化请做出相应调整。For managers pls confirm back the catagory and qty of distributed material pls adjust if any change.时间是变化的财富,然而时钟拙劣的模仿它,只有变化,而没有财富。Time is the wealth of change but the clock in it's parody makes it mere change and no wealth.所有变送器应配有带数字显示的一体式输出仪錶。All transmitters shall be provided with integral output meter with digital display.外国人居留证上填写的专案内如有变更怎幺办?What to do in case items in the residence permit for foreigners change?唯有变化才是永恆的。There is nothing permanent except change.我们的计画有变更。We have modified our plan.我相信,那勇敢男爵的表情已有变化。Then changed I trow was that bold baron's brow.我有架带有变焦镜头的照相机。I have a camera with a zoom lens.我只能说明本能确有变异。I can only assert that instincts certainly do vary.以上价格如有变动,恕不另行通知。All rates listed above are subject to change without prion notice.这个样板可以允许歌声稍有变化。This template allows for slight song variations.


在...方面有变化 vary in

如有变化无需另补通知的报价 offer subject to change without notice

常有变化 be subject to variation

担心有变 dread change

