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油布的英文翻译 油布英文怎幺说 油布的英文例句



[yóu bù]


tarpaulin [ta:'pɔ:lin]



“然后是家俱和油布的分期付款,——十二先令。"Then there's the instalments for the furniture and oilcloth--twelve shillings."假钞在油布下麵的盒子里。The fake bills were in boxes under a tarp.就是这个人在这块油布下留下了假钞。Who also left the counterfeit bills under this tarp for pick-up.你吃过羊油布丁吗?Have you ever eaten suet pudding?然后是家俱和油布的分期付款,--十二先令。Then there's the instalments for the furniture and oilcloth--twelve shillings.我们把真钞留在了油布下面。We left the real money under the tarp.我们将油布横挂在窗子上遮住阳光。We put a tarpaulin across the window to block out the sun-light.我们为什幺不查一下咖啡工厂的那块油布?Why don't we take a look at that tarp from the coffee factory?油布衣服由油布製成的衣服A garment made of oilskin.渔民们都穿着油布雨衣。The fishermen were all wearing oilskins.在卡车后面,油布下麵。In a back of a truck under a tarp.


兰开斯特油布 Lancaster cloth

垫舱油布 dunnage tarpaulin

彩色油布 American cloth

油布 oil coat; oil skin; oilcloth; oilcoat; oilskin; tarp; tarpaulin

油布大雨衣 southwester; souwester

油布衣 tarp

油布袋 deep bag

油布长雨衣 sou''wester

油布雨衣 n. oil

油布雨衣附帽 oiled cotton slicker cloth raincoat with hat

盖舱油布 n. hatch tarpaulin

绝缘油布 empire cloth

长而宽的油布雨衣 slicker

长而宽的油布雨衣 slicker

阔边后背遮颈黑油布帽 black oil slicker cloth hat with wide brim on back covering neck

阔边油布帽 oiled cotton slicker cloth hat with wide brim

防水油布 tarpaulin

黑油布工人外套 black oiled slicker bib overall

黑油布帽 black oiled slicker cloth hat

黑油布短衣 black oiled slicker jacket

黑油布衣 black oiled slicker coat

