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用药的英文翻译 用药英文怎幺说 用药的英文例句




    use medicine

use [ju:z]

    vt.使用,利用,耗费 n.使用,利用,用途,效用,使用价值

medicine [meds(ә)n; (-) 'medisn]

    n.药,医学,内科学,内服药 vt.给...用药


他们说只要用药……They're saying with the medication...无法治疗到全阴,只能用药物让其产生抗体。Cannot treat whole nether world can let its produce antibody with medicaments only.吸收是指药物由用药部位进入体循环的转运过程。Process of drug movement from the administration site to the systemic circulation.用药医治,加入药物。Treat medicinally treat with medicine.在用药过程中未造成美沙酮外流。There was no outflow of methadone during whole process of detoxification.这是预防用药,以备万一It's prophylactic just in case.


不合理用药 non-rational use of drug

合理用药 rational use of drug

外用药 externally applied agent

外用药品 medicines for external use

外用药膏 paste

安全用药 safe medication

民间惯用药材 medicinal materials traditionally used among the people

照相用药品 photographic chemicals

用药不足 under-medication

用药来对付...病 drug against

用药治疗 medicate

用药过度 over-medication

用药过量 overdose on; overdose with

罕用药 orphan drugs

联合用药 drug combination

规律用药率 regularity rate of treatment

诊断用药 diagnostic agent

选用药 drug of choice

预防用药 prophylactic

麻醉前用药 premedication

