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泳池的英文翻译 泳池英文怎幺说 泳池的英文例句



[yǒng chí]

    swimming pond

swimming [swimiŋ]

    n.游水,目眩 adj.游泳(者)的,游泳(者)用的,会游泳的

pond [pɔnd]

    n.池塘 v.筑成池塘


我不喜欢去海边,如果你方便的话,我们可以去游泳池。I don't like to go the sea we can go to the natatorium when you are convenient.我戴上防护面具跳到游泳池里看着里斯向我游来。I donned a face mask and jumped in the pool to watch ris swimming toward me.游泳池的更衣间。Stalls for changing in at the swimming-pool游泳池内必须戴泳帽。You have to wear a swimming cap in the pool.在大多数的游泳池里你都必须戴泳帽。You have to wear a swimming cap in most of the pools.在游泳池里嬉戏的儿童。Children frolicking about in the swimming-pool在游泳池里游泳、浴缸里洗澡我会感染爱滋病毒。I can become infected with hiv by swimming in a pool sitting in a bath.这儿的游泳池是露天的还是室内的?Is the swimming pool here open-air or indoors?这儿有游泳池吗?Is there a swimming pool here?这是我们的游泳池。This is our swimming pool.这游泳池长五十米。The swimming pool is50metres long.真想一头扎进清凉的游泳池里。How I want to plunge in to a cool swimming pool.住客可以免费使用20楼健身中心的健身房、室内游泳池。Free use of gymnasium and swimming bath on floor20.


从游泳池水深的一头下水 went off the deep end

温水游泳池 heated pool

游泳池 swimming pool

游泳池肉芽肿 swimming pool granuloma

蒂塞利乌斯电泳池 Tiselius cell

