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庸的英文翻译 庸英文怎幺说 庸的英文例句



    to use

ordinary [ɔ:dinәri; (-) 'ɔ:rdәneri]

    adj.平常的,普通的,平凡的 n.[律] 推事,[宗]罪犯的忏悔牧师

use [ju:z]

    vt.使用,利用,耗费 n.使用,利用,用途,效用,使用价值


一大群穿着凉鞋、喋喋不休胡扯什幺“中庸之道”的傻瓜。Witter a lot of twits in open sandals wittering on about the middle way.庸鲽神经坏死病毒,Atlantic halibut nervous necrosis virus有人说后现代主义过于庸俗,只是瞬间的代名词;Someone said that post-modernism theories is philistinism and just impermanency things.有许多人因此屈服,选择一种平庸的生活That most people surrender and live their life in "mediocracy."招贴画经常把极雅致的风景搞得庸俗难看。Posters often vulgarize the loveliest spots.中庸,我的意思是很注意协调各种关係。In the middle way. I mean they know how to coordinate all kinds of relations.专供庸俗文学市场的大量言情小说Romantic novels intended as fodder for the pulp fiction market.


中庸之道 golden median

取中庸之道 swim between waters

庸俗价值论 vulgar theory of value

庸俗分配论 vulgar theory of distribution

庸俗经济学 vulgar economics

庸俗资产阶级政治经济学 vulgar bourgeois political economy

庸客 hired hands

庸提氏养老保险 Tontine insurance

毋庸拒绝证书 sans protet

毋庸置疑 beyond all doubt

毋庸置疑的证据 mathematical evidence

租庸调法 system of levying taxes and corvée on the basis of "equalizing" land

象庸医的 quackish

附属国,附庸国 dependency; dependent country

附庸关係 vassalage

附庸国 dependent country

领主附庸 commendation

