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雍的英文翻译 雍英文怎幺说 雍的英文例句



    surname Yong

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


一位非常漂亮的雍容华贵的姑娘。A very nice ladylike gal.雍正皇帝最喜泛舟。Boating was emperor yongzheng's favourite pastime.在病理,表示身体雍肿。In pathology state body harmony is swollen.这回他上工的地方是在雍和宫附近。His new job was near the yonghe lamasery.本条例可引称为《雍仁会馆信託人法团条例》。This ordinance may be cited as the zetland hall trustees incorporation ordinance.本条例旨在修订关于雍仁会馆信託人成立为法团的法律。To amend the law relating to the incorporation of the zetland hall trustees.结论齶咽成形术中保留悬雍垂是可行和必要的Conclusion completely preserving the uvula in the uppp is feasible and imperative.她在试放的电影工作样片上显得雍容华贵。On screen in the rushes she looked magnificent.悬雍垂的悬雍垂的,和悬雍垂有关的Of relating to or associated with the uvula.


悬雍垂下垂 staphyloptosis

悬雍垂切除术 staphylectomy

悬雍垂水肿 staphyledema

悬雍垂缝术 staphylorrhaphy

悬雍垂血肿 staphylhematoma

悬雍垂裂 staphyloschisis

缪希雍 MIAO Xi-Yong明代医药学家。撰《本草经疏》等医药书籍。

贵妇人等雍容华贵地走进 sail into

雍容华贵地从...走出来 sail out of

雍容华贵地走出来 sail out

