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恿的英文翻译 恿英文怎幺说 恿的英文例句



    to urge
    to incite

urge [ә:dʒ]

    vt.催促,力劝 n.强烈欲望,迫切要求 v.促进

incite [in'sait]



要不是那些男孩子怂恿他,他不会扔那块石头。He wouldn't throw the rock if that boy did not instigate him.别怂恿他做坏事。Don't put him up to mischief.鞭策似用刺激物驱赶;怂恿To impel as if with a spur; urge on.你还没有看透他吗?他帮不了你什幺,只会怂恿你干些非法的事情。Have you outguess him? He help you nothing but urge you to do some illegal things.煽动者怂恿农民革命。Agitators urged the peasants revolution.煽动者怂恿农民叛变。Agitators urged the peasants to revolt.他的妻子怂恿他买部彩色电视摄像机。His wife egged him on to buy a color television camera.他极力怂恿我买他的旧电脑。He tried to palm off his old computer on me.沃德尔先生极力怂恿皮克威克先生也试一试。And wandle persuaded mr pickwick to try it.协助或怂恿,通常指干坏事。Assist or encourage usually in some wrongdoing.有人怂恿酋长们签字把似乎尚未佔用的土地转让出去。Chiefs were encouraged to sign away land that appeared to be unoccupied.在这方面,他们得到了他们的母亲,婶婶以及其它年长的女亲戚们孜孜不倦的怂恿。In this view they were sedulously abetted by their mother aunts and other elderly female relatives.


怂恿 edge on; egg somebody on; entice into

怂恿...做坏事 put up to

