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一阵的英文翻译 一阵英文怎幺说 一阵的英文例句




    a burst
    a fit
    a peal

burst [bә:st]

    v.爆裂,炸破,急于,爆发 n.突然破裂,爆发,脉冲

fit [fit]

    n.突然发作,适合,痉挛,一阵 adj.合适的,恰当的,健康的,,準备好的 vt.适合,安装,使合身,使适应,使合格 vi.适合,符合


一阵风吹熄了蜡烛。A puff of wind blew out the candle.一阵风吹走了我的帽子。A blast of wind blew my hat off.一阵风吹走了箱子上的文件。A puff of wind blew the papers off the box.一阵海风使房间的空气更清新A sea breeze ventilated the rooms.一阵惶惑象匕首一样戳了法尔一下。A stab of misgiving shot through val.一阵极度痛苦的剧痛--一阵真正绝望的苦闷--撕裂着和冲击着我的心。A pang of exquisite suffering-a throe of true despair-rent and heaved my heart.一阵雷电将这树劈开。A thunderbolt split up the tree.一阵落叶;阵雨活跃的物质,如树叶或尘土的骚动;骤雨A stirring mass as of leaves or dust; a shower.一阵水的汩汩响声。A succession of gurgling watery noises.一阵突然爆发的欢呼声。A sudden outburst of cheers.一阵悦耳的叮噹声。A merry tinkle of sounds.一阵自怜袭上他的心头。A wave of self-pity came over him.只消他碰到她,她便一阵畏缩,全身僵硬。As soon as he touched her she seemed to wince and stiffen.


一阵 round robin

一阵... a spatter of...

一阵一阵使劲工作 work in sudden bursts

一阵一阵地 by fits and starts; by spells; in fits and starts

一阵剧痛 pang

一阵困难 spot of bother; spot of trouble

一阵阵地 in gusts

一阵阵地吹 puff across

一阵阵地喷 puff into

一阵阵地煽火 puff on

一阵阵的 fitful

呆一阵 abide in

大忙一阵 have much ado; made much ado; make much ado

水一阵阵地沿着...落下 rain dwon

瞎忙一阵 much ado about nothing

线性一阵、齐次差分方程 linear first order homogeneous

轻鬆愉快一阵 kick up one''s heels

这一阵子 all this while

风暴猛刮一阵后停息下来 rave out

