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已知的英文翻译 已知英文怎幺说 已知的英文例句




    known (to science)

known [nәun]

    adj.知名的,大家知道的 vbl.know的过去分词

science [saiәns]



已知的脊髓疼痛通路的阿片调节作用。What is known regarding opioid modulation of spinal pain pathways?已知的兰花超过三万种There are more than30000known orchid species.因为你那时已知道我是卡伦•奥康诺Because you knew I was karen o'connor.这个国家缺少已知的煤矿矿床。The country is short of known deposits of coal.这些洞穴图画早于其他已知的同类图画。These cave paintings predate any others which are known.振幅、分布及谱密度等的已知统计特性的随机信号。A random signal of known statistical properties of amplitude distribution and spectral density.


已知 be known; given that

已知...的 known for

已知三角点 trigonometric fixed point

已知价格 given price

已知值 given value

已知危险 known danger

已知座标点 coordinated point

已知成份培养液 defined medium

已知损失 known loss

已知数 known number

已知数据 given data

已知数据,已知资料 given data

已知方向 given ray; known direction

已知明文攻击 known-plain text attack

已知点 given point

已知状态 known state

已知破损 known damage

已知负债 known liability

已知资料 given data

已知量 known quantity

已知错误 conscious error

由已知现值求算期款 known present value compute the rents

由已知终值和现值求算未知 known amount and present value compute unknowns

