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一心的英文翻译 一心英文怎幺说 一心的英文例句




    heart and soul

heart [ha:t]

    n.心,心脏,中心,心地,心情,精神,宝贝儿,感情 vt.把...放在中心

soul [sәul]



她是个可怕的女子,她一心想跻身上流社会。She's a terrible social climber.她一心努力要打破世界记录。She set out to break the world record.她一心想买一艘游艇。She was all hepped up about buying a pleasure-boat.我担心,如果他在这场比赛中上场不久就受伤,他就会一心求稳,敷衍了事。I'm afraid if he gets hurt early he'll play safe and dog it.我一心一意的为你提供贸易政策I support your trade policies wholeheartedly madame president.一个一心想煽动叛乱的狂人所说的疯话。The ravings of an obsessed anarchist.一心把希望寄託在这止痛药上。And pinned her faith to pain-killer.运用之妙,存乎一心。Ingenuity in varying tactics depends on mother wit.自从我们带他看了童话剧《彼得•潘》以后,他就一心想当演员。He's been stage-struck ever since we took him to'peter pan '.


一心一意去 put her heart into; put his heart into; put one''s heart into; put our heart into; put their heart into; put your heart into

一心一意工作 be intent upon her work; be intent upon his work; be intent upon my work; be intent upon one''s work; be intent upon our work; be intent upon their work; be intent upon your work

一心一意的 single minded

一心只管干自己的事 sawn wood

一心向 bend one''s mind on; bend one''s mind upon

一心想 be bend on; be bend upon; be bent on; be bent upon; be set on; be set upon; be solicitous of; be spoiling for; set one''s heart on; set one''s mind on

一心空想 fall into reverie

团结一心 united as one

对...一心一意 be intent on

第一心音 first heart sound, S1

