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轶事的英文翻译 轶事英文怎幺说 轶事的英文例句




    variant of 逸事

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


讲述轶事趣闻者,收集轶事趣闻者,出版轶事趣闻者One who tells, collects, or publishes anecdotes.他有一肚子关于名人的趣闻轶事。He have a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men.好谈轶事的,善谈轶事的Given to telling anecdotes.自从他在战争中冒险以后,就因为这次轶事而名声大振,常被人请吃饭。Ever since his adventure in the war, he has been dining off the story.这本书中有些伤风败俗的轶事。There are some off-colour anecdotes in this book.海沃德在饭桌旁起劲地讲着安迪的轶事。Heywood is regaling the table with some anecdote about andy.几则轶事会对你的书增加刺激性。A few anecdotes will add a fillip to your book.我仍然记得童年的一轶事。I still remembered an anecdote of my childhood.由传统或流言轶事获得的知识。Knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote.当一个人陷入自己轶事的追忆之中时,那就是他从这个世界退休的迹象。When a man falls into his anecdotage it is a sign for him to retire from the world.轶事,趣闻对有趣或幽默事件的短述A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.这样的轶事要不了多久就会在附近地区秘密传开。It doesn't take long for such stories to be whispered about this neighbourhood.


轶事 anecdotal

