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议事的英文翻译 议事英文怎幺说 议事的英文例句




    to discuss official business

discuss [dis'kʌs]


official [ә'fiʃ(ә)l; (-) 'ɔ:f-]

    n.官员,公务员 adj.职务上的,公务的,官方的,正式的

business [biznis]



村社有其自己的行政堂区议事会。The community has its own parish council.前项议事录准用第一百八十三条之规定。The provisions of article183shall apply mutatis mutandis to the aforesaid minutes.一天夜晚,狼群中的年长者在议事Then one night the wolf pack elders met at council rock...议事日程上的下一个项目是妇女解放。The next item on the agenda is women's liberation.因争论议事程式问题休会。The meeting is adjourned on a point of order.指定的会议事件无效。The meeting occurrence specified is invalid.


元老院议事官 conscript father

全体议事者 council board

司法机关议事室的书记官 master of chamber

对议会是否遵守议事规程提出的质问 point of order

待议事件调用卡 agendum call card

抗议事件 contentious case

提上议事日程 come into consideration

暂行议事规则 provisional rules of procedure

法院议事室的书记官 master of chamber

示範议事规则 model rules of procedure

股东大会的议事规则 rules of procedure of the general meeting of stockholders

议事 discuss official business

议事和决事 proceedings of the board and its) decision-making procedure

议事录 proceedings

议事日程 order of the day

议事机构 deliberative organ

议事程式 agenda

议事程式的异议 point of order

议事程式问题 rules of order

议事簿 minute book

议事规则 rules of procedures

长期适用的议事规程 standing orders

限制议事法 kangaroo closure

隐蔽议事日程 hidden agenda

