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引向的英文翻译 引向英文怎幺说 引向的英文例句




    to lead to
    to draw to
    to steer towards

lead [li:d]

    vt.领导,引导,致使 vi.领导,(道路等)通向,导致,用水砣测深 n.领导,领先,导线,铅,(自船上测海水深度的)铅陲,石墨,铅笔芯

draw [drɔ:]

    v.拉,曳,牵,画,绘製,拖曳 vt.汲取,领取,提取,引起,吸引 vi.向,挨近 n.平局,和局,拖曳


导游把我们的注意力引向华丽的雕刻镶木上。The guide drew our attention too the magnificent carved paneling.在城镇郊外树立起的路标不是把旅游者引向阿拜德茵,而是引向“美国五胞胎Signposts erected on the outskirts of the town directed tourists not to aberdeen but to 'quint片面的、内省的数学思索把人们引向不毛之地。One-sided and introspective mathematical speculation leads into sterile fields.他们的做法引向暴力和非法行为。Their methods lead to violence and lawlessness.它遗憾地被恶魔祭器的力量引向了堕落的深渊... Who sadly was corrupted by the power of the daemon ritus.一种把水从消火栓旁把水引向火灾地点的大管。A large hose that carries water from a fire hydrant to the site of the fire.有些连结又会引向整套的词条。你还会发现一些引向某些技术术语的连结,像“落叶性的”和“松柏科的”等。You will also find links to technical terms such as "deciduous" and coniferous ".资本主义工商业要逐渐引向国家资本主义。Capitalist industry and commerce must be gradually guided towards state capitalism.左右两面的街道都把你引向水边去。Right and left the streets take you waterward.


将亮光引向 light to

引向 divert to; gone to

引向元 director element

