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迎合的英文翻译 迎合英文怎幺说 迎合的英文例句



[yíng hé]

    to suit one's own wishes or interests to serve sb else's
    to cater to sb
    to fawn

suit [su:t]

    v.合适,适合,相配,合式,适宜于 n.一套衣服

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

own [әun]

    adj.自己的,特有的,(不用所有格)嫡亲的,同胞的 vt.拥有,自认,承认 vi.承认

serve [sә:v]

    v.当僕人,服务,服役,供职,招待,侍候,供应,适合 n.发球

else [els]

    adj.别的,其他的 adv.另外,其他


大商行刻意迎合当今的青少年。Big business firms pander to the teenagers of today.那儿的报纸迎合读者对犯罪和暴力的兴趣。The newspapers there pander to people's interest in crime and violence.那些小说迎合读者对犯罪故事的爱好。Those novel pander to people's liking for story about crime.那些小说迎合小资产阶级读者的低级趣味。Those novels pandered to the low tastes of petty bourgeois readers.年岁较大的孩子受到鼓励去迎合他们最微不足道的心血来潮。The older children are encouraged to pander to their slightest whim.他有一种迎合他人的魅力,使一些女子觉得无法抗拒。He has a smarmy charm that some women find irresistible.我们就迎合他这性格好了So we'll rekindle his desire for something.迎合陈腐的迷信是毫无道理的。There is no point in pandering to outworn superstition.这位政客无耻地迎合低级趣味。The politician played to the gallery shamelessly.


迎合 cater for; cater to

迎合...的爱好 catch the fancy of

迎合大众的口味 play to the gallery

迎合的心意 dance attendance on; dance attendance upon; danced attendance on; danced attendance upon

迎合胃口 tickle the palate of

