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硬碟的英文翻译 硬碟英文怎幺说 硬碟的英文例句



[yìng pán]

    hard disk

hard [ha:d]

    adj.硬的,坚固的,(问题,工作等)困难的,艰苦的,猛烈的,确实的 adv.努力地,辛苦地,坚硬地,牢固地,接近地,猛烈地

disk [disk]

    n.(=disc) 磁片,磁碟片,圆板,圆盘,圆盘状物


硬碟上的最大空间:Maximum space on hard disk:在这里我们硬碟资料恢复页。Here we are on the data recovery hard disk page.从硬碟删除不需要的档。Delete unnecessary files from hard disk.集中存储许多存储。通常是磁带或硬碟的卷轴。Bulk storage lots of storage.usually reels of magnetic tape or hard disks.配置sata和sas硬碟驱动控制器的引导优先顺序。Configure the boot priority of sata and sas hard-drive controllers.如有必要,请进行硬碟的格式化与安装作业系统。If necessary format your hard disk rive and install an operating system.所研究的视频图像资料存储硬碟採用高传输率的ultra160scsi硬碟;Video image data store in the ultra160scsi hardware with the high data transmission rate.他看起来比较像个保温瓶,而不是硬碟Lt looked more like a thermos than a hard drive.他们在硬碟里发现了茶叶There were tea leaves in the hard drive.这个硬碟的储存容量为100g。This hard drive can store up to100gb worth of information.


硬碟 hardpan

硬碟驱动器 hard disk drive, HDD

袖珍硬碟驱动器 pocket hard disk drive

调整用硬碟 alignment disk

