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膺的英文翻译 膺英文怎幺说 膺的英文例句




breast [brest]

    n.胸部,乳房,胸怀,心情 vt.以胸对着,对付

receive [ri'si:v]



他得悉此事义愤填膺。When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.人们以为这是凡?高的名画, 其实是膺品。This famous painting was thought to be by Van Gogh, but it is in fact a forgery.这不是伦勃朗的真品, 是件膺品。That's not an original Rembrandt, it's an imitation.对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.怎样识别膺品和真品呢?How do you know a fake from the original?他们知道那幅画是膺品。而且还知道是谁仿画的。They knew the painting was a forgery. Moreover, they knew who had painted it.全世界的人们都对北约的暴行感到义愤填膺。People all over the world are filled with indignation with the ferocity of NATO.对于他的反对者加在他头上的种种诽谤,他怎能不义愤填膺呢?How could he choke back his indignation at the slanderous charges his opponent levelled against him?这颗漂亮的钻石原来是膺品。This beautiful diamond turns out to be a knockoff.该核数师(审计师)已任满,惟有资格并愿意膺选连任。The auditor who retired and being eligible offer themselves for reappointment.过去荣膺此奖项的校友,大多数都在各校友会中扮演过重要的角色。Most of the previous winners played pivotal roles in their alumni associations.他会为了这一切不平而义愤填膺。He would rage about the unfairness of it all.我衷心地希望受之无愧的人能荣膺此奖,不管他是否是斯堪的纳维亚人。The most worthy shall receive the prize whether he be a scandinavian or not.


膺架式架设法 erection with scaffolding method

膺架浇筑法 cast on scaffolding method, cast-in-place method又称"就地浇筑法"。

膺票 forged bill

