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萦的英文翻译 萦英文怎幺说 萦的英文例句



    wind around

wind [wind]

    n.风 v.绕,缠,上发条,旋紧

around [ә'raund]

    adv.周围,四周,到处,大约,左右 prep.在...周围,四处


他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。His last words still linger in our ears.我是听着那萦绕在房间里古典乐长大。Growing up I only heard classical music around the house.阴郁萦绕在你我身边。Hovering around you and me.愿欢乐的歌声,时刻萦绕着您,使您的人生充满幸福和喜悦,永浴无尽的欢乐年华,祝您耶诞节快乐!I hope frolic songs are always around you and bring you endless happiness.merry christmas!这些怀想如乡愁一样萦绕得使我忧郁了。These fond recollections lingered with me like a kind of homesickness leaving me dejected.他满脸泪痕,鹹鹹的。他坐起来,脑海里还懵懵懂懂地萦绕着那个梦。He sat up his head muzzy with the dream his cheeks salty tear-stained.萦绕心头的对核战争的恐惧The terrible specter of nuclear war.这种远古的爱常常萦绕于我们的脑海,时时召唤着我们回归真爱。An ancient memory of this love haunts all of us all the time and beckons us to return.


嫘萦 rayon

萦绕着 ran the foil; ran upon; ran upon the foil; run the foil; run upon the foil

萦绕脑际 cling to one''s memory

