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银色的英文翻译 银色英文怎幺说 银色的英文例句



[yín sè]

    silver (color)

silver [silvә(r)]

    n.银,银子 vt.镀银

color [kʌlә(r)]

    n.(=colour)颜色,色彩,脸色,风格,外貌 vt.给...涂颜色,改变...的颜色,粉饰,脸红,歪曲 vi.获得颜色,变色


深蓝色带银色闪光。不可用于唇部。Navy blue with silver shimmer.not lip-safe.她的头髮有银色光泽。Her hair has a silver sheen.小溪轻轻地诉说着爱的海誓山盟,用银色的丝线在鲜花上串起晶莹的珍珠。Streams murmuring of perjured love string pearls on flowers with pure silver thread.一个银色的铃铛,象徵着自由!A silver bell! A symbol of freedom and liberty!一种稀有、软质的银色金属元素,在闪锌矿中少量存在。A rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite.再说,银色衬托你真是的高度Moreover the silver sets off your true stature.银色的小鱼;新苏格兰至巴西。Small silvery fish; nova scotia to brazil.银色星星代表杰出勇气勋章Silver star's for exceptional valor.用金色和银色的葡萄来装点,Work it in gold and silver grape


金色或银色薄织带 frisure

铝粉环氧防腐漆 aluminium powder epoxy anti-corrosive paint

银色光泽 silvering

银色布 silver colour cloth

银色有机硅耐高温烘漆 aluminum powder silicone resin baking heat-resistant paint

银色油墨 aluminium ink

银色的 silvery

银色锡基餐具合金 metal argentine

银色锡锑合金 argentine metal

银色青铜 silver bronze

龟裂花纹银色涂料 hamme ton silver

