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音带的英文翻译 音带英文怎幺说 音带的英文例句



[yīn dài]

    audio tape

audio [ɔ:diәu]


tape [teip]

    n.带子,带,录音带,磁带 vt.录音


你可以听大师开示的录音带,或神圣的唱诵。Listen to a cassette tape of a teaching by a great master or a sacred chant.他被宣告无罪,主要是靠录音带提供的证据。He was acquitted largely on the evidence of a tape recording.她的电话应答机跟录音带匣私奔出走了,Her answering machine just eloped with her tape deck听披头士乐队的录音带Listening to a tape of the beatles我决定听点音乐,于是将埃里克•萨蒂录的音带放人卡式放音机里。I decided to listen to some music and put eric satie into the cassette.我有奥佛拉赫蒂小姐被杀那晚的录音带... I have a tape recording of the night miss o'flaherty was killed.以盒式生产的录音带A tape recording reproduced in cassette form.这录音带据称是王妃和她的一个秘密爱慕者之间的谈话。The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.这首歌曲立刻风靡一时,它的录音带跃登畅销带榜首。The song was a hit at once and its recording tape rose to no.1on the bestseller list.珍妮:我要买一卷录音带,一些粘胶和浆糊,一个钉书机和一把剪刀。Jane: I'm going to get a tape some glue or paste a stapler and a pair of scissors.


录音带 recording tape

淫秽录音带 obscene tape

磁性录音带 magnetic sound recording tape

空白录音带 blank audio tape

穿孔音带 perforated music roll

