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隐病不报的英文翻译 隐病不报英文怎幺说 隐病不报的英文例句



[yǐn bìng bù bào]

    not to tell others of one's illness

tell [tel]

    vt.告诉,说,吩咐,断定,知道 vi.讲述,洩密,告发,表明,作证 n.讲的事,传闻


    pron 1 people or things that are additional to or different from those already mentioned or implied 其他的、 另外的或别的人或事物: Some people came by car, others came on foot. 有些人是坐汽车来的, 其他人是走着来的. * These shoes don't fit haven't you got any others? 这双鞋不合脚--还有别的鞋吗? * We must help others less fortunate than ourselves. 我们要帮助那些不那麽幸运的人. 2 (used after the or a possess det 用于the或一表示所属关係的限定词之后) the remaining persons or things in a group 其余的或剩下的人或事物: I went swimming while the others played tennis. 我去游泳, 其余的人都打网球去了. * I can't do the fourth and fifth questions but I've done all the others. 第四题和第五题我不会, 但是剩下的我都答了. * She was the only person who replied to the invitation none of the others bothered. 她是唯一对邀请做了回应的人--其余的人谁也没理会

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

illness [ilnis]


