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    to drink

drink [driŋk]

    n.饮料,酒,酗酒,一口(或一些)饮料 v.喝,喝酒,(植物、土壤等的)吸水,举杯庆贺


为…节制或规定饮食To regulate or prescribe food and drink for.一座藏有多宗食物与饮水的空城堡。An unoccupied~ ort containing cachesoffoodandwater.中华名小吃展;2。美食饮品展销活动。Exhibition of noted chinese snacks; and drinks exhibitions.中间休息时我们会提供饮料小吃。Drinks and light refreshments will be served during the intermission.


一饮而尽 crush a cup; drink at draught

不含酒精的饮料 spoiled water

与痛饮 carouse to

中华猕猴桃保健饮料 kiwi fruit juice health drink

中药饮片 traditional Chinese medicines prepared in ready-to-use forms

乐声保健饮料 lovely sound health drink

乳清饮料 whey beverage

从...中取饮水 drink from

传瓶轮饮 pass the bottle; push the bottle

低蛋白饮食 low protein diet, LPD

使...饮酒 lubricate with

健力宝饮料 Jian Li Bao soda

元秘-D高丽人参饮品 Wonbi-D

元秘-D高丽人参饮品 Wonbi-D

公共饮食 catering facility

公共饮食业 catering

公共饮食企业 eating place

农村饮用水 rural potable water为农村居民生活及饲养牲畜所供的水量。

冰冻饮料 iced drink

冷饮 cooling drink

冷饮水器 water-cooling cabinet

冷饮水箱 water cooler

冷饮设备 cold drink equipment

刺梨汁天然饮料 cilizhi natural health-drink

可乐口饮料 Cola Co

可乐口饮料 Cola Co

可乐型饮料 Cola beverage

可口可乐饮料 Coca-Cola

可口可乐饮料 Coca-Cola

可哥饮料 cocoa drink

