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一连的英文翻译 一连英文怎幺说 一连的英文例句




    in a row
    in succession

row [rәu]

    n.排,行 v.划(船)

succession [sәk'seʃ(ә)n]

    n.连续,继承,继任,演替,[农业] 轮栽,连续性


我们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。Our exploration to the primeval forest was quite a chapter of accidents.无情的北风一连刮了几个星期。The pitiless north wind blew for weeks on end.新的政策遭受到了一连串的抨击。The new policy received a running fire.一连串的询问扰乱了证人的思路The rapid-fire questioning jumbled the witness's thoughts.一连串汗流浃背的训练磨练出实力强大的足球队。The sweatful practice sessions moldmighty football teams.一连好几个星期天气都很恶劣。The weather was very scurviness for weeks.咂嘴声如催促马时发出的一连串咯咯声或啪嗒声A series of clucks or clicking sounds such as those made to urge on a horse.在靠近交界上有重要的一连串的含镍橄揽岩体的侵入。Near the border zone an important string of nickeliferous peridotites is emplaced.在球队经历了一连串的失败之后,人们开始认为它已雄风不再。After several defeats in a row people are starting to say that the team is a spent force.这一连串的吸收与散射,阻止了有害辐射穿透至人体的组织。This cascade of absorption and scattering stops harmful radiation from penetrating to body tissues.之后就引发一连串核子反应Together they started a nuclear chain reaction.


一对一连接 onetoone connection

一连两年的 biennially

一连串 a chain of

一连串的 a chain of

一连串的灾难 an iliad of woes

一连几小时 for hours together

一连几星期 for weeks together

一连好几代 for generations

向...提出一连串问题 fire questions at

统一连带经济法律关係 unified joint economic legal relations

