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一块的英文翻译 一块英文怎幺说 一块的英文例句




    one block
    one piece
    one (unit of money)

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

block [blɔk]

    n.木块,石块,块,街区,印版,滑轮,阻滞,(一)批 vt.防碍,阻塞

piece [pi:s]

    n.块,件,片,篇,张,条,硬币 vt.接合,修补,凑合

unit [ju:nit]



一块没有被开垦的,生长着稀疏矮小的植被的土地。An uncultivated region covered with scrub vegetation.一块木制的板子或大浅盘,上面可以放食物,也可以将食物雕刻在上面。A wooden board or platter on which food is served or carved.一块渗透着墨水的可吸收性材料;它被用来把墨水均匀地涂到橡皮图章上。A block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp.一块透明的玻璃。A transparent piece of glass.一块小的区域被以它的真实的形状着色的投影地图。A map projection in which a small area is rendered in its true shape.一块悬岩的阴影。The shadow of an overhanging rock.一块用来遮着头和肩的椭圆形的布。An oblong piece of cloth used to cloak the head and shoulders.一块用于埋葬的大片土地。A tract of land used for burials.一块由石头或木头做成的,适合题字、刻碑文的平板。A slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription.与我所嫁的怪物一块生活With the ogre I married.


一块 a block of; a cake of; a patch of; a piece of; a sheet of

一块钱 thumb nail

约四分之一平方英里的一块地皮 quarter section

青一块紫一块 black and blue; blew about; blood and thunder; blow about

