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一会儿的英文翻译 一会儿英文怎幺说 一会儿的英文例句




    a while
    also pr. yi1 hui3 r5

while [wail; (-) hwail]

    n.一会儿,时间 conj.当...的时候,虽然 vt.消磨 prep.直到

also [ɔ:lsәu]





休息一会儿吧,想想一步该怎幺办。Sit back for a minute and think about how to do next.一会儿,爸爸拿着一本识字课本回来了,A moment later geppetto came back holding a spelling book in his hand一会儿侧手翻一会儿前滚翻地前进。Progressing by cart wheeling and rolling.一会儿到草坪,一会儿到树下。On a bit of lawn under a tree.一会儿他们来到手术室。Soon they arrived in the operating theatre.一会儿之后她就走了。Moments later she was gone.医生让鲍勃先放鬆一会儿。The doctor asked bob to take things easy for a while.应该买个烤箱,知道吗?那样我们就可以一会儿再热You do have an oven you know.we can reheat.在那里一会儿也岌岌可危…It was touch and go for a while there...不一会儿,小帆船绕过海角,蹤影。Soon after the lugger doubled the point and disappeared.


一会儿 for a moment; in a minute; in a short time

一会儿就 in space

一会儿就没有了 take to itself; take to itself wings

一会儿工夫 in a moment

一会儿放鬆一会儿拉紧 veer and haul

不一会儿 in a while

休息一会儿 have a rest; rest on her oars; rest on his oars; rest on my oars; rest on our oars; rest on their oars; rest on your oars; take a break; take a rest; taken a break; taken a rest; took a break; took a rest

想一会儿 think for

等一会儿 wait a while

过一会儿 after a while

过了一会儿 after a while

