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遗憾的英文翻译 遗憾英文怎幺说 遗憾的英文例句




    to regret
    to be sorry that

regret [ri'gret]

    n.遗憾,悔恨,抱歉,歉意 vt.为...感到遗憾,后悔,惋惜,哀悼,懊悔 vi.感到抱歉


现在想想,还挺遗憾的呢。Now that I think about it I'm still pretty regretful.遗憾的是,当感激于“铁幕时代”不再存在的时候,一种新的裂痕正在显现。Unfortunately while the iron curtain is thankfully no more a new division is emerging.遗憾的是,这些完全是为了阻止保护期的继续增长而进行的群众运动。Unfortunately it will take nothing short of a social movement to stop further increases.遗憾的是所有舱位都已订出。The pity is that all the shipping space have is booked up.遗憾的是我们不得不取消音乐会,但我们实在是没卖掉足够的票。It's a shame that we have had to cancel the concert but we just didn't sel enough tickets.这保护层很遗憾的不够充分This shielding is woefully inadequate.这时,往昔一种遗憾的泪水几乎要夺眶而出。The regretful tears of the past threaten my eyes.这是一个令人遗憾的错误。It is a regrettable error.真遗憾我们要分头旅行It's a pity we're traveling separately.政府对此不加干涉实在令人遗憾。It's great pity the government doesn't step in.


不遗憾 it be not a pity that; it be not a regret that; it be not a shame that; it can not be a pity that; it can not be a regret that; it can not be a shame that; it may not be a pity that; it may not be a regret that; it may not be a shame that

大中取小遗憾判据 minimax-regret criterion

太遗憾 just too bad

对...感至遗憾 sorry about

对...表示遗憾 express regret at

遗憾 kick herself; regret

