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一个样的英文翻译 一个样英文怎幺说 一个样的英文例句




    same as 一样|一样

same [seim]

    adj.同一的,相同的,无变化的,上述的,所谓 pron.同样的事物 adv.同样地

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)


埃唐普城堡的主塔便是一个样品。The donjon keep of d'etampes is a specimen of it.采了最后一个样本準备回气密舱Final sample loaded.prepping for air lock ingress.忽必烈汗的项目可能是另外一个样子。Kubla khan's project would have become something quite different.随后她用长长的指甲指向一个样子挺奇怪的陆地。Then she pointed with a long fingernail to an odd-shaped continent.这周我们这里又来了个特别削弱的人,他和你们这些一楼梯就喘粗气的废物一个样。We are having a cream puff special this week for you clowns who can't climb stairs without panting.请送给我们一个样本,好吗?Could you please send us a sample book?全包旅游全都一个样。No package holiday's any better than the next.一个样子就是在它的两侧有翅膀,并且在水面上行走。One specimen had wings at its side and walked on top of the water.

