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以便的英文翻译 以便英文怎幺说 以便的英文例句




    so that
    so as to
    in order to

so [sәu]

    conj.因而,所以,那幺,这样看来 adv.[表示程度] 如此,那幺,非常,很,[表示方式] 这样,那样,如此,因此 [域] Somalia ,索马里

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)


为了安全起见我们要在取样点设双阀以便于安全的压降,取样口还要加护罩。For safety we should use dual valves to aid safe pressure reduction and cap the sample outlets.一队要求暂停,以便商讨对策。On team asked for time out to discuss a plan.一种绘画方法,涂抹厚厚的颜料以便于画笔或者雕刻刀能刻上有形的痕迹。Painting that applies the pigment thickly so that brush or palette knife marks are visible.以便从你的子宫里抽出点液体And get some fluid from your pre-natal girth.以便她养好她的病From school to recover from mono.优化jpeg压缩以便获取:Optimize jpeg compression in favor of:


以便 in order that; in order to; in the effect that; to the end that

以便不 so as not to

以便不致 in order not to

以便排除 to the exclusion of

以便证实 in confirmation of

使露出水面以便维修 heave out

倾倒一边以便维修 heave down

强行挤人以便分享利益 muscle in; muscle in on

散布谣言等搅乱市面以便卖出股票等 raid the market

获准诉讼延期以便和解 imparl

订购少许产品样品以便试销 sample order

订购少许新产品样品以便试销 sample order

身体向后倾以便用手拿到 reach back

重述以便核实 red back

