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一罐的英文翻译 一罐英文怎幺说 一罐的英文例句



[yī guàn]

    one tin

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

tin [tin]

    n.[化]锡,马口铁,罐 vt.涂锡于 adj.锡制的


一罐猪油和一些橄榄油。A jar of lard and some olive oil.在酒巴里理髮师为一罐果酱讲了价然后越过桶作的屏障。In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam then got over the barrier of barrels.啊,在这儿,这儿有一罐…Here t s.there s a tn...但,他们找到了泡沫和一罐浮油。Instead they found only bubbles and a thin oil slick.广州的迪斯可舞厅,一罐新奇士果汁要你20块,At a disco in guangzhou they charge you20yuan for a can of sun kist juice请给我一罐火腿。Please give me a can of ham.他告诉我们每一个彩虹的尽头都一罐金子…He told us there was a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow...他们保证你一罐黄金。They promise you a pot of gold.他们大叫道:“哇,那儿好像有一罐金子Why there may be a pot of gold!" They cried.他们各有一罐燃料,能汲取融化的冰雪而支持一天They had one fuel can each.they can melt ice and rehydrate for a day.我胸罩里有一罐黑樱桃酒味的樱桃I got a jar of maraschino cherries in my bra我需要买一罐白漆。I need to buy a tin of white paint.一罐喷雾剂,一个口哨和一把弹簧刀We got some oc spray a whistle and a switchblade.

