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义工的英文翻译 义工英文怎幺说 义工的英文例句



[yì gōng]

    volunteer worker

volunteer [vɔlәn'tiә(r)]

    n.志愿者,志愿兵 adj.志愿的,义务的,无偿的 v.自愿

worker [wә:kә(r)]



我在康尼住进收容所病房的那天见到了她。我在那儿当义工。I met connie the day she was admitted to the hospice ward where I worked as a volunteer.当然,社会主义工业化和社会主义改造都不是容易的事情。True neither socialist industrialization nor socialist transformation is easy.鼓励扶轮社表扬一位扶轮义工。Encourage clubs to recognize a rotary volunteer.名义工资粘性有利于解释名义价格粘性。The nominal wage stickiness is good for explaining the nominal price stickiness.你是教堂的义工。You are a volunteer in your church.在学校做义工,还参加家长会She volunteers at school.attends pta.中国资本主义工商业的社会主义改造Socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce in china资本主义工商业要逐渐引向国家资本主义。Capitalist industry and commerce must be gradually guided towards state capitalism.


名义工作周时间 nominal work week

名义工作时间 nominal working hours

名义工资 nominal wages

名义工资总值 nominal wage bill

名义工资指数 nominal wages indexes; index number of nominal wages

名义工资率 rate of nominal wages

社会主义工业企业 socialist industrial enterprises

社会主义工业企业经营观念 operating concept of socialist industrial business

社会主义工业化 socialist industrialization

社会主义工资 socialist wages

资本主义工业化 capitalist industrialization

资本主义工商业全行业公私合营 capitalist industry and commerce changed over to joint private-state operation by entire trades

资本主义工商业的社会主义改造 socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce

