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依附的英文翻译 依附英文怎幺说 依附的英文例句



[yī fù]

    to adhere
    to attach oneself to
    to append

adhere [әd'hiә(r)]

    vi.粘附,胶着,坚持 v.坚持

attach [ә'tætʃ]

    vt.缚上,系上,贴上 v.配属,隶属于

oneself [wʌn'self]



附属修道院依附于一个较大房子的较小的宗教性房子,比如修道院内的小修道院A small religious house dependent on a larger one such as a priory within an abbey.片刻前仍依附某处。A minute earlier was still attached to.他们发现有一个精神感应的蠕虫依附着生命维持系统在里面。They discover that they have a telepathic worm connected to a life support system.依附,附属的状况隶属于非常需要或渴望的某人或某事Subordination to someone or something needed or greatly desired.依附于一个较大房子的较小的宗教性房子,比如修道院内的小修道院。"A small religious house dependent on a larger one such as a priory within an abbey."这些依附于神经元细胞自己的叫做ampa接收器。These attach themselves to nerve-cell proteins called ampa receptors.这样一个总的状况,必然产生占统治的大地主和依附的小农。This general situation necessarily produces big ruling landowners and a dependent small peasantry.


人身依附 personal bondage

依附 adhere to; attach herself to; attach himself to; attach myself to; attach oneself to; attach ourselves to; attach themselves to; attach yourself to; attach yourselves to; catch on; hang onto

依附于 join on

依附于帝国主义 appendage to foreign imperialism

依附关係 relations of dependence

依附外敌罪 crime of adherence to sovereign''s enemies

依附结构 dependence structure

紧紧依附于 freeze onto

经济上的依附地位 economic dependence

陷入经济上的依附地位 become economically dependent

