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贻的英文翻译 贻英文怎幺说 贻的英文例句



    to present
    to bequeath

present [prez(ә)nt]

    n.赠品,礼物,现在,瞄準 adj.现在的,出席的,当面的 vt.介绍,引见,给,赠送,上演,提出,呈现 vi.举枪瞄準

bequeath [bi'kwi:ð]



吃剩速食贻鼠患?Fast food scraps threaten rat plague?勉强干去,只有贻误。If they insist on keeping it in their own hands they will only bungle it.附着在岩石上的深色可食用贻贝。Dark-shelled edible mussel that lives attached to rocks.乾燥产品:烤鱼片、整体鱿鱼、烤鳗、贻贝等。The dry prodnets: bake fish while squid bake eel fish mussel meat and so on.滑落在这里的贻贝群上And into the mussel bed here.旧罪贻新羞。Old sin make new shame.壳薄而易碎的贻贝,仅有未完全发育的铰合齿。Mussel with thin fragile shells having only rudimentary hinge teeth.贻贝等用于将自身附着在固定表面上的一团柔韧的丝。Tuft of strong filaments by which e.g.a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface.贻误了一步,它的,你怎幺说英语,泔水。Crema.bungle a step and it's how do you say in english swill.这只海星太细小了,不能袭击贻贝Small starfish too small to tackle a mussel


油炸贻贝 fried mussel

清汤贻贝 mussel in natural soup

珍珠贻贝 pearl mussel

紫贻贝 common mussel

贻贝 mussel

贻贝髮菜 mussel with vegetable

贻贝干 dried mussel

贻贝油 mussel sauce

酱油贻贝 mussel in soy sauce

